If reelected for another term, I’ll continue to work as a responsible voice for prudent fiscal management of the city.
I’ll push ahead on projects that I advocated in my first term but especially:
Get creative on reducing the city’s dependence on property taxes to balance its budget;
Promote modest city Charter changes involving the Board; and
Mentor the new staffer who we will be hiring to do research on financial topics directed by the Board.
The work of the Board of Estimate and Taxation isn’t the glamor work of the City Hall issues that make headlines, like the labor standards board or reforming police. But the critical scrutiny that we give to city finances and to the mayor’s taxing proposals help to lay the firm financial foundation on which the more visible work of the city takes place.
One problem in Minneapolis is that the rewards of our economic system haven’t been distributed as fairly as they should. Although the Board of Estimate & Taxation has only limited duties, members must recognize any opportunities to support greater equity. The board only sets the city’s maximum property levy and authorizes any borrowing. But its members can and should speak up as public officials when there are opportunities to rebalance our system of taxation and spending, both at the local and state levels. That’s a role I want to play.